Pass the leftovers...
Or better yet, pass on the leftovers if they've been in the fridge too long!
The last time I ended up with some sort of food poisoning was about a year ago. That was caused by some bad sushi and was much worse. (As an interesing aside, bad sushi is usually caused by bacteria growing in improperly stored rice, not on the fish).
This time, I have nobody to blame other than myself. Pretty much all of the food I've eaten over the last days has been food I've personally bought and cooked. Maybe the ham that I put on yesterday's sandwich was a bit past it's prime (when did I buy that anyways?). Or maybe it was the soup I cooked a few days ago, or the rice I had with it. In any case, this morning rates pretty low on the scale of enjoyable experiences. I'm feeling weak but better now though.
Agenda for the remainder of the day:
1. Clean out the fridge!
2. Buy fresh food.
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