Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Spaghetti Arms

My arms feel like cooked spaghetti. My legs are tired and my core muscles feel dazed and confused. Last night was my first training session with Carmen from Human Motion. Kerry has been doing these sessions for quite some time and finally convinced me to give it a try. So, I'm signed up for a total of eight of these -- every Tuesday night.

The stuff we did sounds pretty simple if you don't think hard about it: we stood on one leg, twisted around a bit, did some partial push-ups, and other similar things. What makes this so hard is that we did them with our core muscles, holding positions for some duration and going through motions slowly. A push-up isn't a particularly difficult thing to do "normally". Half a push-up (the down phase only) is pretty tiring if you do it extremely slow, making sure that your core is engaged the whole way down.

I may end up feeling sore by tonight, but I'm already looking forward to going next week.


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